邮箱:bym2019@tcu.edu.cn; biym1988@126.com
2019.12-至今 BETVlCTOR手机登录 讲师、副教授(校聘)
2016.07-2019.12 中国医学科学院药用植物研究所 生药学 博士后
2011.09-2016.07 中国农业大学 生态学 硕博连读
2007.09-2011.07 青岛农业大学 生态学 本科
2023.05-2023.10 主持广东地昇生态农业科技有限公司企业委托项目:一种基于赤子爱胜蚓生态习性的新型蚯蚓配方饲料技术开发(KHX2023-024)
2022.01-2023.12 主持天津市教委项目:金属钝化剂调控蚯蚓微生态系统处置污泥的过程研究(2021KJ001)
2022.01-2023.12 主持福建省农业生态过程与安全监控重点实验室开放基金项目:蚯蚓生物技术调控番茄根际微生态缓解连作障碍的效应及机理(NYST-2021-03)
2021.09-2022.9 主持北京市老科技工作者协会委托项目:抗重茬蚯蚓生物产品与技术体系研发试验检测(FHX2021-073)
2016.11-2019.12 主持中国博士后基金面上项目:作物“隐形酚酸”的化感效应及对西洋参土传病的影响(2016M600962)
2014.01-2017.12 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:水肥管理调控蚯蚓种群削减土壤重金属的生态过程与机理(41371305)
2014.01-2016.12 参与国家自然科学基金青年项目:微囊藻毒素生物降解过程 mlr基因功能和 mRNA 转录水平响应机制的研究(31300434)
2011.09-2015.12 参与教育部博士点基金项目:利用农艺措施调控蚯蚓种群原位控制土壤病原生物及机理研究(20110008130003)
Bi, Y.-M., Zhang, X.-M., Jiao, X.-L., Li, J.-F., Peng, N., Tian, G.-L., Wang, Y., and Gao, W.-W. (2023). The relationship between shifts in the rhizosphere microbial community and root rot disease in a continuous cropping American ginseng system. Frontiers in Microbiology 14.
Bi, Y.M., Tian, G.L., Jiao, X.L., Li, X.X., and Gao, W.W. (2022). Influence of mixed phenolic acids on bacterial and fungal community in soils growing ginseng and maize. Allelopathy Journal 56, 97-108.
Bi, Y.-M., Tian, G.-L., Wang, C., Zhang, Y., Wang, D.-N., Zhang, F.-F., Zhang, L.-S., and Sun, Z.-J. (2018). Differential effects of two earthworm species on Fusarium wilt of strawberry. Applied Soil Ecology 126, 174-181.
Bi, Y.M., Jiao, X.L., Li, J.F., Tian, G.L., Lu, X., Zhang, X.M., and Gao, W.W. (2018). A comparison of extraction methods of phenolic acids in wheat and American ginseng soil. Allelopathy Journal 45, 77-88.
Bi, Y.M., Jiao, X.L., Li, X.X., Tian, G.L., Li, L., Liu, H.L., and Gao, W.W. (2020). Degradation dynamics of nine phenolic acids in American ginseng and maize grown soils. Allelopathy Journal 49, 73-88.
Bi, Y.-M., Tian, G.-L., Wang, C., Feng, C.-L., Zhang, Y., Zhang, L.-S., and Sun, Z.-J. (2016). Application of leaves to induce earthworms to reduce phenolic compounds released by decomposing plants. European Journal of Soil Biology 75, 31-37.
Tian, G.-L., Bi, Y.-M., Cheng, J.-D., Zhang, F.-F., Zhou, T.-H., Sun, Z.-J., and Zhang, L.-S. (2019). High concentration of ferulic acid in rhizosphere soil accounts for the occurrence of Fusarium wilt during the seedling stages of strawberry plants. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 108, 101435.
Tian, G.L., Bi, Y.M., Jiao, X.L., Zhang, X.M., Li, J.F., Niu, F.B., and Gao, W.W. (2021). Application of vermicompost and biochar suppresses Fusarium root rot of replanted American ginseng. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.
Tian, G.L., Bi, Y.M., Sun, Z.J., and Zhang, L.S. (2015). Phenolic acids in the plow layer soil of strawberry fields and their effects on the occurrence of strawberry anthracnose. European Journal of Plant Pathology 143, 581-594.
毕艳孟,孙振钧 (2018). 蚯蚓调控土壤微生态缓解连作障碍的作用机制. 生物多样性.
张玉峰, 刘宏毅, 刘敏, 董润玉, 樊双虎, 杨益沣,毕艳孟* (2023). 不同农田生境对通俗腔蚓肠道菌群结构的影响. 土壤通报 54.