序号 |
论文或 专著名称 |
作者 |
刊物、出版社名称 |
卷、期 (或章节)、页 |
类型 |
类别 |
1 |
PDA与PEI共沉积和分步沉积方法对纳滤膜性能的影响 |
苏婉(学),张文娟,张宇峰 |
膜科学与技术 |
40(3): 14-21 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
2 |
化学沉淀-超滤”组合工艺处理焦磷酸盐镀铜废水的研究 |
冉子寒(学),张宇峰,顾瑞之(外),常高峰(外),刘恩华(外),张文娟,王雨菲,张宏伟 |
膜科学与技术 |
40(2): 6-13 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
3 |
氯化钠/硫酸钠体系的纳滤分盐试验分析 |
张小亚(学),苑宏英,石雪莉(外),张海生(外),黄欣(学),靖大为 |
膜科学与技术 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
4 |
切削液废水处理过程中溶解性有机物分子质量分布和光谱特征的转化规律 |
梅林玲; 于静洁; 汪之睿; 王少坡 |
环境工程学报 |
(11): 9 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
5 |
碳氮比对低温投加介体生物反硝化脱氮的影响 |
苑宏英,王雪(学),李原玲(学),李琦(学),张小亚(学),何旭东(学) |
环境工程学报 |
14(1): 60-67 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
6 |
投加介体对污水低温生物反硝化除磷的影响及磷形态变化 |
苑宏英,王宏斌, 李原玲(学),王雪(学),赵鑫 |
环境工程学报 |
1-8 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
7 |
UV/O3高级氧化法对水中布洛芬降解效果及其动力学 |
王毅博(学),王少坡,王哲(外),周瑞飞(学),常晶 |
工业水处理 |
40,355(09):48-51 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
8 |
三维荧光技术在水环境监测中的应用研究进展 |
汪之睿(学),于静洁,王少坡,聂英进(外),张轶凡(外) |
化工环保 |
40(2): 125-130 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
9 |
污水生物处理中的好氧颗粒污泥技术 |
周瑶(学),王少坡,于静洁,赵明(外),王栋,邱春生,孙力平 |
工业水处理 |
40,351(05):20-26 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
10 |
厌氧氨氧化工艺在高氨氮废水处理的研究应用进展 |
钱允致,马华继,苑宏英,池勇志,丁艳梅,田素凤 |
水处理技术 |
45(12): 7-12 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
11 |
厨余垃圾厌氧消化处理难点及调控策略分析 |
赵佳奇(学),范晓丹,邱春生,王晨晨,刘楠楠,王栋,王少坡,孙力平 |
环境工程 |
2020:1-7 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
12 |
低碳氮比下MABR 同步硝化反硝化过程的构建 |
张燕伟(学),程方,李奕辉(学),张宇(学),李竞一(学),赵珂一(学) |
工业水处理 |
40,351(05):78-84 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
13 |
典型工艺污水处理厂出水水质达标率与稳定性分析 |
苑宏英,韩嘉玮(学),张小亚(学),王雪(学) |
BETVlCTOR手机登录学报 |
26(04):290-295 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
14 |
复杂染料废水脱色菌的分离鉴定及特性研究 |
初永思(学),范晓丹,苑宏英,李进家(学),王雪琦(学),程序(学) |
工业水处理 |
40(08):96-100 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
15 |
水环境中PAEs的赋存、环境风险及水质标准 |
黄盼盼(学),王晨晨,邱春生,孙力平,胡帅龙(学),张轶凡(外) |
环境工程 |
38(05):23-29 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
16 |
保定市大气污染特征和潜在输送源分析 |
郑悦(学),程方,张凯(外),唐伟(外),孟凡(外),李朋远(外),郭志强(外) |
环境科学研究 |
33(2):260-270 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
17 |
刚毛藻除磷的最佳藻量及效果分析 |
胡帅龙(学),孙力平,王晨晨,黄盼盼(学),钟远,杨帅(学) |
BETVlCTOR手机登录学报 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
18 |
巢湖沉积物中有机磷的生物可利用性研究 |
卢艳敏(学),张靖天(外),张新波,肖喆(外),许晓玲(外),霍守亮(外) |
环境工程技术学报 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
19 |
高锰酸钾改性蛋壳对水中磷的吸附特性研究 |
李浩瑞(学),吴丽萍,文科军,王拓(学),马茜(学),李梦辉(学) |
BETVlCTOR手机登录学报 |
26(3):208-212 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
20 |
基于OBE教育理念和金课建设要求下的固体废物处理与处置课程的实践教学体系建设设想 |
马瑞巧,苑宏英 |
新时代高校环境教学改革与创新研讨会论文集 |
2020:205-207 |
社会科学 |
基础研究 |
21 |
磁絮凝强化技术处理厌氧消化污泥脱水液(Enhanced treatment of anaerobic digestion reject water by magnetic flocculation) |
徐博(学),池勇志,张红丽(学),赵建海,丁艳梅,张轶凡(外),李玉友(外) |
化工进展 |
39:4693-4701 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
22 |
二级反渗透系统的工艺结构特征分析 |
韩嘉玮(学),苑宏英,石雪莉(外),靖大为 |
工业水处理 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
23 |
Degradation dynamics of nine phenolic acids in American ginseng and maize grown soils |
毕艳孟,焦晓林(外),李笑笑(外),田给林(外),李琳(外),刘华丽(外),高微微(外) |
Allelopathy Journal |
49(1):73-88 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
24 |
Impacts of typical pharmaceuticals and personal care products on the performance and microbial community of a sponge-based moving bed biofilm reactor |
张新波,宋姿(学),Huu Hao NGO(外),Wenshan Guo(外),张祖敏(学),刘阳,张丹,龙中亮(学) |
Bioresource Technology |
2020:295 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
25 |
Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter Removal during Biological Treatment of Commingled Chemical Industrial Wastewater: Relationship with Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter Transformation |
王栋,王灿(外),季民(外),孙力平,邱春生,骆尚廉(外) |
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
26 |
Landfill leachate as an additional substance in the Johannesburg-Sulfur autotrophic denitrification system in the treatment of municipal wastewater with low strength and low COD/TN ratio |
宋圆圆,李海波,韩懿,逯彩彩,侯雅男,Yousuo Zhang(外),郭建博 |
Bioresource Technology |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
27 |
Mediated electron transfer efficiencies of Se(IV) bioreduction facilitated by meso-tetrakis (4-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin |
赵蕊(学),郭建博,宋圆圆,陈志(外),逯彩彩,韩懿,李海波,侯雅男,何月(学) |
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
28 |
Preparation of anion exchange membrane by efficient functionalization of polysulfone for electrodialysis |
刘颖,王建友(外) |
Journal of membrane science |
596:117591 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
29 |
Oxidation of salicylic acid in water by the O3 and UV/O3 processes: removal and reaction byproducts |
常晶,王少坡,张亚雪(学),王毅博(学),张文娟,Lu, Jinfen(外),Wang, Zh(外) |
Water Science & Technology |
81(4):753–762 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
30 |
Enhanced adsorption of doxycycline hydrochloride (DCH) from water on zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 modified by Cu2+ (Cu–ZIF-8) |
张景丽,刘可欣(学) |
Water, air and soil pollution |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
31 |
Preparation of high-performance and pressure-resistant mixed matrix membranes for CO2/H2 separation by modifying COF surfaces with the groups or segments of the polymer matrix |
曹晓畅,许浩擎(外),董松林(外),许家友(外),乔志华(外),赵颂(外),王纪孝(外),王志(外) |
601:117882 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
32 |
Chlorophyll as natural redox mediators for the denitrification process |
逯彩彩,谢珍(学),郭建博,宋圆圆,邢亚娟(外),韩懿,李海波,侯雅男 |
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
33 |
Comparison study on the ammonium adsorption of the biochars derived from different kinds of fruit peel |
Xiaojian Hu(学),张新波,Huu Hao Ngo(外),Wenshan Guo(外),温海涛,李超灿,Yongchao Zhang(学),Chanjuan Ma(学) |
Science of the Total Environment |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
34 |
Effect of ozonation treatment on the chemical speciation distributions of heavy metals in sewage sludge and subsequent bioleaching process |
邱春生,毕越(学),郑金鑫(学),王栋,王晨晨,刘楠楠,王少坡,孙力平 |
27:19946–19954 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
35 |
Faster removal of nitrite than nitrate in sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification coupled with anammox, affected by the anammox effluent |
王拓(学),郭建博,逯彩彩,李海波,韩懿,宋圆圆,侯雅男,张佳丽(学) |
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology |
26,2,687-701 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
36 |
In-situ generated gold nanorods on surface layer of fibers: facile preparation and unprecedented high catalytic activities in reduction of 4-nitrophenol |
颜晓旭(学),张宇峰,陈宇,王滨 |
Colloids and Surfaces A |
598:124826 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
37 |
Feasibility of partial denitrification and anammox for removing nitrate and ammonia simultaneously in situ through synergetic interactions |
韩懿,宋圆圆,逯彩彩,李海波,郭建博 |
Bioresource Technology |
320:124390 |
基础研究 |
38 |
Preparation of composite adsorbents of activated carbon supported MgO/MnO2 and adsorption of Rhodamine B |
岳向峰(学),赵建海,史欢欢(学),池勇志,Muhammad Salam(外) |
Water Science and Technology |
81(5) |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
39 |
Start-up of single-stage partial nitritation-anammox micro-granules system: Performance and microbial community dynamics |
王少坡,李剑宇(学),王栋,王晨晨,郑剑锋,邱春生,于静洁 |
Environmental Research |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
40 |
Graphene-polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes with tunable structure and internal charge |
刘阳,Sunxiang Zheng(外),Ping Gu(外),Andrew J. Ng(外),Monong Wang(外),Yangyang Wei(外),Jeffrey J. Urban(外),Baoxia Mi(外) |
carbon |
2020:219-227 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
41 |
Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 self-assembled Pd-cells-rGO conductive composite for enhancing electrocatalysis |
侯雅男,孙素云(学),杨珍妮(外),云慧(外),朱婷婷(外),马金凤(学),韩京龙(外),王爱杰(外),程浩毅(外) |
Environmental Research |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
42 |
Extraction method and structural and composition characteristics of extracellular polymeric substances in granular sludge from an enhanced biological phosphorus removal system |
李亚静,王少坡,李柱(学),孙力平 |
Desalination and Water Treatment |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
43 |
Characterization and sulfonamide antibiotics adsorption capacity of spent coffee grounds based biochar and hydrochar |
张新波,Yongchao Zhang(学),Huu Hao Ngo(外),Wenshan Guo(外),温海涛,张丹,李超灿,祁丽 |
Science of the Total Environment |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
44 |
Co-infection risk assessment of Giardia and Cryptosporidium with HIV considering synergistic effects and age sensitivity using disability-adjusted life years |
Han Mingyi(外),肖淑敏,An Wei(外),Sang Chenhui(外),Li Hongyan(外),Ma Jinfeng(外),Yang Min(外) |
Water Research |
175:115698 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
45 |
Two-Dimensional MoS2 Nanomaterials and Applications in Water Treatment |
刘阳,张新波,赵樱灿(外) |
32(5):642-655 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
46 |
Effect and ameliorative mechanisms of polyoxometalates on the denitrification under sulfonamide antibiotics stress |
郭海晓(学),陈志(外),逯彩彩,郭建博,宋圆圆,韩懿,李海波,侯雅男 |
Bioresource technology |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
47 |
A promising Pd/polyaniline/foam nickel composite electrode for effectively electrocatalytic degradation of methyl orange in wastewater |
张婷婷(学),张景丽,邹德成(学),程方,苏润西 |
Desalination and water treatment |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
48 |
Specific microbial diversity and functional gene (AOB amoA) analysis of a sponge-based aerobic nitrifying moving bed biofilm reactor exposed to typical pharmaceuticals |
宋姿(学),张新波,孙飞云(外),HUU HAO NGO(外),郭文珊(外),温海涛,李超灿,张祖敏(学) |
Science of the Total Environment |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
49 |
Performance enhancement of catalytic bipolar membrane based on polysulfone single base membrane for electrodialysis |
刘颖,王建友(外) |
Journal of membrane science |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
50 |
Removal of heat stable salts from N-methyldiethanolamine wastewater by anion exchange resin coupled three-compartment electrodialysis |
付翠莲,池勇志,费学宁,陈富强(学),张梦怡(学),刘芷源(学),杨昆(外) |
Separation and Purification Technology |
242:116777 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
51 |
Non-quinone redox mediators enhanced perchlorate bioreduction: Effect, structure-activity relationship and mechanism |
郭建博,逯彩彩,李海波 |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
2020:127604 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
52 |
Comparison between thermophilic and mesophilic anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge by combined NaOH-microwave pretreatment |
陈富强(学),池勇志,李恺雄(学),张言明(外),田哲(外),费学宁,李玉友(外) |
Environmental Technology |
2020:1-8 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
53 |
Effect of mixed petrochemical wastewater with different effluent sources on anaerobic treatment: organic removal behaviors and microbial community |
王栋,高楚云(学),王晨晨,刘楠楠,邱春生,于静洁,王少坡 |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
54 |
Experimenttal analysis of a novel gas-engine-driven heat pump(GEHP) system for combined cooling and hot-water supply |
加磊磊(学),张蕊,张鑫(学),马振西(学),刘凤国 |
118:84-92 |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
55 |
A new solar-driven biological wastewater treatment technology based on the synergy of photosensitizers and non-photosynthetic bacteria |
郭建博、逯彩彩、宋圆圆 |
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation |
155,105111 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
56 |
Stability of pure oxygen aeration-activated sludge system under non-steady food-to-microorganism ratio conditions during petrochemical wastewater treatment |
王栋,左园园(学),刘楠楠,于静洁,邱春生 |
Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
57 |
Insight into the electrocatalytic performance of in-situ fabricated electroactive biofilm-Pd: The role of biofilm thickness, initial Pd(II) concentration and the exposure time to Pd precursor |
侯雅男,马金凤(学),杨珍妮(外),孙素云(学),王爱杰(外),程浩毅(外) |
The Science of the total environment |
自然科学 |
应用研究 |
58 |
Effect and mechanism of cyclodextrins on nitrate reduction and bio-activity by S.oneidensis.MR-1 |
涂俊(学),郭建博,逯彩彩,李海波,宋圆圆,韩懿,侯雅男 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
59 |
Species and Distribution of Arsenic in Soil After Remediation by Electrokinetics Coupled with Permeable Reactive Barrier |
纪冬丽,张竞(外),孟凡生(外),王业耀(外),张道虹 |
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
60 |
Impacts of sulfadiazine on the performance and membrane fouling of a hybrid moving bed biofilm reactor-membrane bioreactor system at different C/N ratios |
张新波,张祖敏(学),刘阳,Huu Hao Ngo(外),Wenshan Guo (外),王慧中,张宇峰,张丹 |
Bioresource technology |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
61 |
Environmental transformation of graphene oxide in the aquatic environment |
Yingcan Zhao(外),刘阳,张新波,Wenchao Liao(外) |
Chemosphere |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
62 |
Acceleration mechanism of bioavailable Fe(III) on Te(IV) bioreduction of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1: Promotion of electron generation, electron transfer and energy level |
郭建博、宋圆圆、逯彩彩、韩懿、李海波 |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
403: 123728 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
63 |
Rapid start up anammox process through a new strategy with inoculating perchlorate reduction sludge and a small amount of anammox sludge |
郭建博、宋圆圆、逯彩彩 |
Biochemical Engineering Journal |
164: 107784 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
64 |
Perchlorate bioreduction by anaerobic granular sludge immobilised with Fe-HA complex: Performance, extracellular polymeric substances and microbial community structure |
郭建博 |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
398:122898 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
65 |
Faster removal of nitrite than nitrate in sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification coupled with anammox, affected by the anammox effluent. Environmental Science |
郭建博、逯彩彩、李海波 |
Water Research & Technology |
6(4): 916-924 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
66 |
Effect of dissolved oxygen on simultaneous removal of ammonia, nitrate and phosphorus via biological aerated filter with sulfur and pyrite as composite fillers |
郭建博、李海波、宋圆圆 |
Bioresource Technology |
296: 122340 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
67 |
Perchlorate reduction by anaerobic granular sludge under different operation strategies: Performance, extracellular polymeric substances and microbial community |
郭建博 |
Bioresource Technology Reports |
4:123-128 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |
68 |
Performance and population structure of two carbon sources granular enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems at low temperature |
王少坡、李亚静、孙力平 |
Bioresource Technology |
300: 122683 |
自然科学 |
基础研究 |